Privacy policy is ensuring all the visitors about their privacy and at the same time we are committed to provide our viewers all upcoming information regarding smartphone.

You can browse without using any personal information. We only ask visitors name and E-mail Id if they are interested to provide their valuable opinion on any smart phone but we never provide any information to others. Information of our user only used to know about visitors choice ,statistical purpose and to get potential advertisers. keeps own E-mail list to provide current news and information related to car to their visitors .

You may also receive advertising cookies from our advertisers . This is a standard practice in the Internet industry. We have no control over these cookies.

If you do not prefer to receive cookies during the time of browsing our website, you can fixed your browser to inform you before receiving cookies and ignore the cookies when your browsing alerts you to its presence. You can also avoid all cookies by turning them off in your browser.

We state that our privacy policy is maintain by only our domain( If you have any query about car that are listed in our site or any technical information about Car. You can E-mail us at: